Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Understanding the Communication Process-The Key to Organisational Success

The process by which one person or a group of persons receive an increment of information which has some value for either sender or receiver either knowledge by way of addition or entertainment or acquisition of energy to act or persuasion to buy or act as required by the sender is the process of communication.

The Process of Communication

The critical part of communication is the information, which is being transferred. Information may be in any form-ranging from hand signals to public speech, from email to detailed contract, from one word greeting to a lengthy letter, from a message on a notice board of a school to a full page advertisement on a daily, from a hint with raised eyebrows "to five-minute hug, from a memo from a superior or subordinate to a HR manual andso on. For the transfer of the information or the message, certain vehicle or medium is employed, which loads itself with it and passes it on to the intended receivers. Paper, phone, one-to-one meetings, public meetings, conversation, hoarding, newspaper, words written or spoken, body gestures, smile, books etc are the vehicles or the media. The way the vehicles take and transport the information in such a way that the receiver understands it as it should be is the communication process. The medium or the sender or the receiver "characteristically distorts the information, which in one way or other fully or partly contributes to the failure of the communication in accomplishing the purpose intended.

Two important stages of communication are a) encoding and decoding.) The processinvolved in these two stages is a potential source of communication failure. Encoding is translation or conversion of the idea or intention or message into words or signals so that receivers would reconvert the same as intended by the sender. Decoding is what the receiver does to reconvert the received words or signals into the idea or intention or message as originally intended by the sender. The problems associated with encoding or decoding are due to the fact that words have multiple meanings or signals and thus there is a possibility of either use of wrong words or wrong signals or understanding them in a way different from what is originally intended.

Understanding of the process of communication would facilitate transactions. Else, there would be no action at all or delayedaction if at all there is some action or wrong action or turning bad relationships and so on. For instance, a boss tells his secretary that a meeting with contractors is urgent. But he finds to his surprise that a meeting has been convened quickly the next day morning, but it clashed with another program, which the secretary is not aware. The boss, in this case, while being busy with routine office overlooked the process involved in passing messages and the attendant chances of communication going wrong in many of the stages. He failed to specify the time. But the secretary understood it as next day morning. This illustrates how the process involved in encoding and decoding goes wrong and thus it springs surprises.

All the elements involved in communication which constitute thecommunication process are a) sender b) receiver c) c) message encoding and decoding) d) channel f) noise g) feedback.

The following brief discussion explains the process of communication.

Sender: The point from where the message originated, here the boss, is the sender. The action intended to happen out of this message is convening a meeting of Vietnam, but definately not the next day morning.

Message: Message is the essential content of communication or information intended to be passed. Request for convening of The meeting is the message.

Receiver: The person who has to take delivery of message is the receiver. Here the secretary is the receiver whose job is to understand and act on it exactly as intended by the sender.

Encoding: The idea of convening ameeting, in this instance, has been converted into words, probably with facial expressions signaling the urgency of meeting. Such process of converting an idea is words or expressions is encoding.

Channel: The encoded message needs a vehicle or a medium to be transported and from sender to receiver. The vehicle may be a paper or a telephone or Internet or meeting or conversation. In the present example, oral communication made by the boss to secretary is the channel.

Decoding: The process of understanding by receiver of the message given by the sender. In this example, the secretary while decoding understood the message given by the sender.

Noise: Noise is the causative factor for the message being miscommunicated or misunderstood due to the problem either in the mediumencoding or decoding or chosen or in some stages of the process. In this instance, the message was not properly constructed and hence the secretary did not understand it as intended by the sender. The noise in communication is analogous to the external noise generated by cable or transmission equipment of land line telecommunication while the subscribers talk on land line phones and hence they don't listen or understand the words exchanged.

Feedback: The sender would be communicating back to the sender his or her evaluation or how he or she understood about each part of the message or word before the sender goes further in acting on the message. Here in the present example the secretary did not give her feedback about what she understood and thus the intended messagefailed.

While what was described in the preceding paragraphs is a general understanding of the concept of communication process, a brief study of various theories propounded till date would facilitate a fairly in-depth understanding of the communication process. The same has been attempted in the following paragraphs.

Aristotle Theory of One Way Communication: Aristotle proposed that communication has three components-sender, receiver and message. It is a simple and basic model, which, nevertheless, laid the basis for the rest of the theories to come up. Aristotle, at such an early period of evolution of social science, posited that communication is a one way process. It connotes that sender is responsible for good persuasive communication to happen. Neither the concept of noisenor the necessity of feedback in communication crossed his mind.

Lasswell Model of Communication: Lasswell extended the communication theory of Aristotle to include another element, channel. Three important elements or components in this theory are a) Sender b) Message c) Channel. His theory posits that it is the responsibility of the sender to see that receiver understands the message, by choosing a proper channel. It is also a one way direction of communication as that of Aristotle.

Shannon-Weaver Model: EC Shannon and W Weaver, the engineers ' duo, proposed this theory in 1949. This theory was based on a mechanistic view of communication. This is the first theory, which recognizes that the message received is not the same as the message sent. This distortion is due to thenoise present in the system.

They introduced feedback as a corrective measure for noise. But, they did not integrate the feedback into the model. They proposed that feedback would start another cycle of communication process. The theory posits that essentially real communication takes place only when the received message and message sent are one and the same without any difference, which may be true for an engineering model. But the communication that takes place between individuals, which mostly happens without any machines, cannot be as perfect as assumed in the theory, since the filters in the individuals operated while both listening and sending. Filters are the attitudes, perceptions, experiences and evaluations that operated much before the actual communication starts. Theaction that takes place as intended is the proof of success of communication.

The elements in this model are a) Information source b) c) Encoding) Decoding and Channel d) Destination f) Noise g) Feedback.

Schramm Model of Communication: Wilburn Schramm proposed this model in 1955, which was considered to be the best of all the theories since it is evolved and comprehensive. It was proposed in three stages with some improvement in each successive stage over the previous one. These stages are also referred to as three distinct models.

In the first stage, it emphasized on encoding process and source like that of Aristotle without any recognition for noise. It too was a one-way direction of communication flow.

In the second stage, the emphasis shifted to the shareddomain of sender and receiver of experience. The sender has to take into consideration, according to this theory, the needs and abilities of the receiver, which he must be aware of due to shared experience, and thus the selects the right channel and at the same time encodes the message into the way that can be understood by the receiver. Here the communication process is understood to be a two-way flow.

In the third stage, the feedback was thought to be an essential element of communication system. In this stage of Schramm's theory, the communication process encompasses sender, receiver, good channel, proper encoding, decoding, and proper feedback. The flow which ends with feedback starts immediately again to make a circular process.

The Inferential Model of Communication:Prof. Mathukutty Monippally proposes a new theory called ' Inferential Model of Communication is emphasizing on symbols displayed and the construction of meaning inadequately from such symbols. The model assumes that there is no adequate and proper way to send a message, and nevertheless we send message through some chosen symbols, which again are not properly understood.

Prof. Mathukutty (2001) explains, "The inferential model assumes that we cannot communicate, that we cannot communicate, that we cannot share our message with anyone, that we cannot it in the minds of and hearts of others. And yet we want to communicate. There is no code that can capture our message faithfully and then be cracked clean by others. So we resort to displaying symbols ....This procedure is generallysatisfactory. Of course, we can go wrong; and occasionally we go terribly wrong. But this is the only means available. " (M Mathukutty, Monippally Business Communication Strategies .2001, New Delhi, Tata Mcgrawhill Publishing Company Limited, pp. 6-9)

An Overview of Some More Models of Communication

Another model of Katz-Lazarfeld is the one related to mass communication, which states that the sender has to encode the message and transmit the same through mass media to an opinion leader. The opinion leaders in turn transmits the same to the target audience, the public. This is also constructed as a one way direction of information flow.

Another model, which has taken a different path, is that of Westley-Maclean. It emphasizes on interpersonal communication. In this, thecarefully encoded message is sent to the receiver who in turn sends it to either the sender or other individual with some changes. The model lays stress on sender, receiver, and feedback which make this model a circular one.

One more one-way model is that of Drinking, which recognizes perception as an important element of communication. According to this model, any discrepancy in the reception of message due to influence of perceptions of intermediaries would lead to miscommunication. The important building blocks of this model are the source, the receiver, the meaning intended and the process of sending and receiving the message.

Watlaw-Beavin-Jackobson, proposed a model of two-way communication with emphasis on the behavior of participants and the relationships existing amongthem to achieve communication success.

Rogers-Kincaid proposed that for the communication to be successful, the individuals should be connected through social networks and sharing of information.


Understanding communication process is very critical to the managers of the organization. They should understand that communication is rarely understood as it should be. The distortion of the message can happen at any of the stages in the communication process-sender, receiver, encoding, decoding, channel, message and feedback.

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